Post-Survey Resources

Thank you for completing the MH Safe survey assessing how your organization addresses workplace mental illness discrimination across seven dimensions:

  1. Making Adjustments and Reasonable Accommodations
  2. Resource Referrals
  3. Responding to Challenging Behaviors
  4. Talking About Mental Health in General Conversation
  5. Avoiding Illegal Inquiries About Disabilities
  6. Responding to Offensive Comments
  7. Preventing Disparate Treatment

The accordion tab below shares several mental health anti-stigma resources that may be helpful for you going forward. As a thank you for filling out the survey, we also offer all participants the opportunity to have a fifteen minute call to discuss your specific results and more tailored mental health safety resources. If you would like to schedule that call, please reply to Dan’s e-mail that shared this page and we can set up a time.

Access Mental Health Communication Resources

Watch Dan’s TEDxTalk about his journey to becoming a mediator living with bipolar disorder, and ways that conflict resolution practices can address assumptions, paternalism, and stigma related to mental health.

Speak Up Resources
MH Safe provides free Speak Up workshops to teach people living with mental health problems how to express their needs, seek reasonable accommodations, and respond to discrimination. Visit our About page to watch a replay from one of these programs, and visit to access takeaway resources designed to help an individual address these issues.

A Toolkit for Talking Mental Health
MH Mediate and the CUNY Dispute Resolution Center produced a toolkit funded by the NY State Office of Mental Health’s Mental Illness Anti-Stigma Fund. It teaches lessons for saying the right thing, validating diverse choices, and getting past positions. Access it by clicking here