The High Conflict Training Addendum Program is a free program for trainers committed to end inadvertent discrimination. This program was developed following the release of the 2024 Journal of Dispute Resolution article, Ending the Epidemic of Accidental Personality Disorder Discrimination by Well-Meaning Mediators ( We provide a free 30-minute tailored consultation, as well as resources that trainers can use to supplement their existing material.
Our goal is simple: to help well-meaning trainers remove inadvertent disability stigma and discrimination from their trainings, guidance material, and practices. We will do this completely confidentially or, if you would like to demonstrate your anti-stigma leadership, we are happy to celebrate the changes you make.
If you’re ready to consider updates to your training, please write to and let us know more about your training. You can describe it yourself, send us your syllabus or course description, or send all of the materials. We will look at everything you give us in advance of the free 30-minute Zoom or phone call (your choice) to discuss different options for you to make changes.
We have a lot of experience doing this kind of work and we are glad to help. To learn more about some recent MH Safe accomplishments, you can read our 2024 article, Ending Mental Illness Discrimination in Dispute Resolution and Beyond: Some 2023 Updates, at